[Solved] Some shows are not recognized. Can I force/override Jellyfin to make it identify them properly?
As pointed out by @[email protected]here comment, and @iturnedintoanewt here, one can manually identify a show by clicking on the 3 vertical dots in the corner of a movie or show when hovering over it, and click "identify" (you must be logged in as an admin account). One then simply fills out the fields, as desired, to find the correct media.
Original Post
I have a few shows that Jellyfin isn't able to fetch the proper metadata for; they just display blank in the listings with only the original filename. Is it possible for me to select that show, and manually override Jellyfin to identify it as a specific show without renaming the actual file?
Like you have to move things, or change your mounts, or a major change in Jellyfin necessitates rebuilding the library from scratch.
This works fine by the way, the watch status is stored in a database seperate from the media.
This is the best fix, the second would be to find the IMDB id and place it in it on the GUI, then pull the metadata automatically and to make sure it's not reverted lock it.
Click in the dots on the bottom right of the miniature (or near the playback options) and choose identify. You can give it the title and it will search, or i think you can give it the specific IMDB ID so it fetches the right data.
I assume, the show is still grouped as a show, with all the seasons being recognised correctly, it just doesn't know from what they are? If that's the case, you can select "identify" in the three dot menu of that particular show and search for the show, ideally by adding a moviedb ID. That should fix your problem