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A great opportunity to earn Monero has landed! Fast and Private VPN Service | AriaVPN

AriaVPN is a VPN service that protects your online identity. Fortify your privacy and get premium VPN access today! We accept Monero, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.

Fast and Private VPN Service | AriaVPN

Everyone talks about buying Monero, but what is better than buying money with money? With Monero, we have an incredible opportunity to build parallel economies that can empower the individual, and able businesses should create opportunities that allow willing participants to earn Monero, independently of the state.

As big Monero supporters, it is why we introduced the AriaVPN Referral Program and want to invite the community to check out our proposal and consider participating. We seek influencers and website owners who can help us promote our VPN service in exchange for a 30% sales commission. Each time someone buys a VPN plan via your referral link, you'll receive 30% of the value of the plan, have to option to redeem your balance at any time, and get paid within 24 hours.

Besides offering the opportunity to earn, as a new VPN service provider we hope we can become the community choice for those who regularly use VPN services. Please hit me up if you have any questions or feedback, and thanks for stopping by and checking us out!

  • If you want us to join your Referral Program, explain why one wants to recommend your VPN, why one wants to use it, how it is different from generally more trusted other VPNs.

    You’re only repeating, “Advertise us, and we’ll pay. Attractive, isn’t it?” No, it isn’t. We refuse to advertise a random service we can’t trust, with zero track record, even if you pay.

    The number one sales point of your VPN is “We pay if you advertise it”? Is that the “best thing” about your VPN?

    Choosing the VPN That's Right for You | Surveillance Self-Defense - EFF is a tiny Lemmy instance, only having like 20 (?) active users. Active users know each other more or less. Naturally we say “we” meaning fellow users.

    But was being useful. Though ad-supported by an iffy company—big banner ads—, maybe any sponsor is better than no sponsors; although we could start our own similar platform, community-supported rather than supported by a sketchy company. Kuno was a bit like a Bait-and-Switch scam, initially pretending to be a clean, great, passion project. I felt betrayed. You’re using Monero to make a false impression that your service is equally idealistic.
    You may be a good person. It might be just miscommunication. We’ll see… If you’re a sales person, though, be more professional; avoid saying unprofessional, rude things, even if you disagree. You’re talking to potential customers, potential affiliates.

    • AriaVPN is a raw, OpenVPN-based service, a start-up with 4 locations so far, allowing to connect up to 4 devices. We don't have any fancy apps yet set aside, it's a VPN like any other. The job of a VPN provider is to deliver a reliable service & connection, a box of chocolate, and a kiss don't come with it. If you'd like to try our service, you can access our site via a Tor exit node and go for the daily plan, you can underpay that and get a 2-hour plan for as little as 2 cents. You can read our marketing narrative to find out what you may want to know and read our policies to see if our service is right for you. We're well aware that a no-logs policy is impossible to prove for anyone and that accredited audits only give a snapshot at one particular point in time. With that in mind, we went the extra mile to ensure our client's privacy by implementing a zero-knowledge architecture and open data transparency. This means we don't collect any personal data and that every client has the option to download and examine a full copy of the data we collect so our website can deliver its functions and service. We also allow for deleting payment data and plan data as a whole, and we allow for port forwarding. We use small to medium-sized hosting providers and ISPs that we carefully select and negotiate exemptions to their terms of service if applicable. We do this to ensure continuous service and to know that they are not in the business of logging traffic. Whoever trusts a well-established VPN service, also trusts big hosting/ISP players most VPN providers use. Consider if a provider that has, for example, a 120k volume of monthly organic traffic and needs to make in excess of 260k+ monthly sales @ $5 per month to begin to cover their basic operating cost is trustworthy and whether there's a hidden agenda.

      As for you, you seem harboring the impression that I should be somehow gaining your trust. I'm not here to sell. I leave that to others. I developed the service from A-Z, and came by with an offer to see if I might pique some interest and perhaps have a friendly chat, which isn't possible when a narcissist shows up. Every other sentence you spawn is an attack on my integrity and the integrity of our business (FYI we're not a company), and dissing us for not conforming with your worldview, and the rest is aiming at making yourself look good by pretending to be nice. The likes of you are dangerous and need to be exposed, and if that might lose me a customer or two I will not lose sleep over it. Your unsolicited advice isn't feedback only a twisted idea of how we should be running our business or shouldn't, misleading the audience with your almost-knowledge. For example, Cloudflare doesn't block Tor traffic. They provide their clients with the option to do so. Small yet rudimentary distinction. I won't bother with addressing the excess of baseless assumptions and attacks, just because a princess feels betrayed by a genuine ad and disrespects the endless work of others in the sorry process. So as for Kuno, I encourage you to stop crying and run an instance yourself if you possibly can, the more the merrier.

  • Mullvad is cheaper

  • started hosting this VPN’s ads, since around the end of October, 2023, also blatantly calling /cdn-cgi/apps/head/ (trying to installing some CF app(s) via .js if your browser is lenient).

    Not sure which is better: zero-fee idealism + ad-supported (implicitly selling some info) vs. low-fee realism + ad-free

    • First of all, AriaVPN is a brand of Anne Media and when we became host to Kuno, it was pre-agreed that instead of asking for donations that'd cover the cost of hosting and additional development, we'll simply add our ad for our VPN service so we can reach out to the community. We don't run external ads. Secondly, the script you see and block facilitates automated translations, which we added on request. So thank you for your assessment.

      • You’re basically using Kuno to attract potential VPN customers? That could be an interesting, new business model. Some marginalized people can get humanitarian help via Monero, while these supporters (Monero users) are likely to be interested in privacy, so they might buy your VPN service. In theory, this could be win-win-win :) A good potential.

        On the other hand, it’s rather obvious that you’re not one of us, not someone privacy-aware. You can read some discussions about Kuno here:

        Use Cloudflare (while saying “We protect your privacy”), and you’ll immediately lose 50% of trust. Additionally, the script via CDN in question is for Google Translation… 😓 Like this, perhaps a typical privacy advocate doesn’t even consider your VPN. The worst part is, you’re not even able to see the problem… If you were a privacy advocate, Google wouldn’t be even an option to begin with. (If you’re wondering why, perhaps you shouldn’t do VPN business.) How about LibreTranslate, for example?

        Get rid of anything Google, and stop using CF (MitM) so that you might be able to rebuild credibility. Make everything Tor-friendly. That’s a minimum requirement for the “privacy industry”: even something rather iffy like Proton has a token onion. I also suggest you be transparent about Kuno. Make it clear it’s zero-fee because it’s there as a promotion for your VPN business. Such transparency doesn’t make you look bad. On the contrary, people may trust you more, if the reason why it’s zero-fee is not hidden and people behind it are honest.

        Kuno could be a great website—it has already helped a few people. Some of us were even saying (thinking) that we were willing to make donation to Kuno itself (not buying your VPN, but we could send you XMR anyway “for free”). Still, I hope Kuno will become somewhat more privacy-aware, so that a typical Monero user feels comfortable with using it. Thank you for reading.