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Pathfinder 2e Character Discussion Drunemeton

Would like to play an Illusionist in PFS. Any class recommendations?

Of course it seems like Wizard with an Illusion school speciality is the way to go, but with the upcoming Remaster changes removing those schools I thought I’d ask you find folks.

Plus I’ve only been playing since Feb. 2023 so I don’t really know the classes all that well. Perhaps there’s a ‘hidden gem’ in there I’m unaware would make an excellent Illusionist.

EDIT: I’ve checked AoN and it seems that the Occult tradition gets all of the Illusion school spells, plus a few more that Arcane does not!

  • Even though they're getting rid of spell schools in the "traditional" sense, they're replacing them with literal schools or colleges. Surely there would be a college of illusion somewhere in Golarion that you could've attended.

    The core rulebook has an illusionist sample wizard on page 212. If you're playing free archetype, you could maybe combine it with the Captivator archetype for occult spell fun.

    • As stated this is for PFS (Pathfinder Society) and as such no free archetype is available.

      So far I’ve found that Sorcerer (Djinni) is a pretty good fit for illusions.

  • I'd also throw out Bard, Sorcerer, and Witch then if you're interested in the Occult list. I really enjoyed my 1e Witch but I think the 2e version may need work according to random Internet comments... You could also try the Psychic but I know waybless there. Also, TIL basically all casters are full casters.

    • Just realized that Bards are actually three-quarters casters since they only get 3 spells per spell level (others normally get 4) and that Psychics are half-casters (2/4).

    • Witch is being redone with the Remaster project, and if I remember correctly it’ll be in the Player Core 2 book. Releasing sometime in 2024.