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Looking for Moderators!

As July 1 approaches, and the impending flux of new visitors is at our doorstep, @BestOf is looking for Moderators.

We believe it is in the best interest of the community that most instances are represented fairly at the Moderator level. We can also insure the proper functionality of this community everywhere.

To be eligible as a Moderator, you must:

  1. Be an experienced user of your instance.
  2. Be willing to be a moderator for extended period of time. If you are already a moderator, that would be fantastic.
  3. You must be kind, caring, understanding and willing to help those in the community, no matter their disability, skill level, background etc. You must have compassion even when exercising the moderator functions.
  4. You must not treat the visitors unfairly.
  5. You must ensure that you'll play an active role as a moderator so that the community is as clean, safe and friendly as it can be.
  6. You must already be a subscriber.

Please send me a PM to flag your interest.

Happy Browsing!