So, a (very likely malicious) delivery person falsely accused this customer of racism and Amazon shut down EVERY smart device connected to their servers? And when the customer sent video proof to clear themselves, Amazon didn't even reply, just quietly reinstated the account?
Imagine not being able to exit your house in the future because Jeff Bezos decided to disable your smart doorknob because someone falsely accused you of whatever ism is popular at that time?
If someone is merely considering moving away from a third-party-permission-based household after being denied using their home on seemingly false pretenses, is it reasonable to say they deserve it happening to them again?
I guess sometimes children have to play with fire to learn caution.
By accepting this and not shutting down the service/system they've created a precedence for their family and an example of forgivness towards digital corporate home invasion to others. That's a small chisel to the castle walls that is the average persons home.
If one say yes to keep such a system after such an experience... Perhaps they should be banned from using digital home equipment? For their own protection I mean, they're clearly not able to make rational decisions lol.