@biznachio I don't know how much I have that's useful. I went to college and lived in Las Cruces for about 6 years, and just developed a love for the desert, the history and culture and the food. I live in Colorado Springs now, which is so bland it could be on an ulcer diet. Starbucks and Walmart on every corner, and Yogurt has more culture.
Just take it all in, and see what you like. If I can ask, why are you moving there?
East Mtn library is a good place to get audiobooks for your half hour drive in and out of the city. Try to get all your city stuff done all at once because it can get expensive driving back and forth; but more importantly, it’s glorious to be out there for days without needing to drive into the city.
Be careful on I-40 East of Tramway when it’s snowy or icy.
Check out the hiking trails off south 14.
When you have time, take a day trip to some of the smaller towns in the area. For instance, right now is a good time of year to visit the Salinas Pueblo ruins because the weather is cool and nice for walking outdoors. Some folks really vibe with Madrid to the north. You could also visit Billy the Kid’s gravesite in Ft. Sumner, a couple hours southeast. You can also access Santa Fe “the back way” on a lovely scenic drive up north 14. There used to be a cool little bar and an antique thrift shop in Cerillos.