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Sweden police grant permit for Qur’an burning protest outside mosque Sweden police grant permit for Qur’an burning protest outside mosque

STOCKHOLM: Swedish police said they have granted a permit for a protest where the organizer plans to burn a Qur'an outside Stockholm’s main mosque on Wednesday, the start of the Muslim three-day Eid Al-Adha holiday. The police said in the written decision that the security risks associated with the ...

Sweden police grant permit for Qur’an burning protest outside mosque
  • They want to burn a Qur’an right outside Stockholm’s main Mosque. How is that not incitement to violence or racial hatred?

    If I burned a copy of the Torah outside a Synagogue, would that just be an expression of ‘free speech’? Or would I not be giving a pretty unambiguous signal of both what I think of the people inside and the way that we should treat them?

    This absolutely should not have been allowed to go ahead. It is incitement to violence and racial hatred.

    • How is it an incitement of violence and how is burning a religious text book racial hatred? It's much more akin to how burning a US flag isn't an incitement for violence against its citizen but rather an expression against the country itself or its ideals, or merely to express the freedom itself.

      • In addition to all the good stuff the other guys says: BOOK BURNING HAS CONTEXT.

      • I think we're all capable of recognising the important differences between burning a flag representing a particular state, or some aspect of its government or policies, and burning a Torah in front of a Synagogue, as happened frequently in Nazi Germany, or in this case burning a Qur'an in front of a Mosque.

        It's a hateful act designed to encourage hatred with the intention of turning that hatred into acts.

        The person burning the Torah in front of a Synagogue is not saying "I disagree with the Torah's rulings on x", they're saying "those who follow this religion are disgusting and we should do something about it."

        The person who burns a LGBT pride flag is not saying "I think this movement oversteps the legitimate reach of the state", they're saying "those who are part of this group are disgusting and we should do something about it."

        Same with the Qur'an.

        It needlessly inflames tensions, encourages hatred and horrible acts towards Muslims, and both makes Muslims feel unsafe and directly contributes to making them unsafe. It's not the sort of thing a decent, civilized society should tolerate.

  • This should end well

  • Good stuff. Don’t let the crazies mess with you. We should be free to express ourselves as any other country

    • I don't understand your comment. We are all in agreement that book burning of any form is crazy right? Do you mean to say that freedom of religion should be a right in Sweden as it should be for any country?

      • I meant that Muslim people would be angry at this but the thing is we have freedom to express so just like people can make fun of Christianity, we should be able to criticize and be able to burn Quran as well bible as well. Let’s not enable these people to get angry and make death threat (see Charlie hebdo)

    • I feel like burning something considered sacred to a group, with the specific intent of hurting them shouldn't really be allowed. It's very disrespectful. And I say that as a non religious person

  • I’m always a bit torn in situations like these. Sure, Sweden makes the right choice by guaranteeing free speech even when it’s inconvenient.

    But the people actually burning the book are complete asshats and specifically doing it to be complete asshats towards others. They know it’s going to result in a lot of anger, and do it precisely for that reason.