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Moment of brilliance: Samoas Coconut Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

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The original was posted on /r/icecreamery by /u/jacksonrain on 2023-06-27 23:25:55+00:00.

when the only ice cream scoop you have is a melon baller

i had a wave of desire to make ice cream last night. the only problem was i had nothing to add in, or so i thought until i found a completely unopened box of samoas. how those survived this long (4 months) i have no idea.

sooooo... here's the recipe! I'm lactose and soy free, so this is mainly coconut based.

first, a few lessons learned:

  1. after doing weeks of recipe research, i chose to avoid the custard method for my first few batches. i replaced heavy cream and sugar with sweetened condensed coconut milk (nature's charm) in hopes it would be a good substitute for the needed fat and sweetness. i found it works for the fat, but the sweetness needs a little amping up with a dollop of honey, about 1 tablespoon or so.
  2. the coconut milk i purchased (thai kitchen) has an insane amount of saturated fat in it, causing a 4oz serving of this ice cream to be ~60% of one's daily value. the cream part is practically the whole can. in future batches i intend to use half of this can and replace the missing half with lactaid milk.
  3. the caramel in the cookies gets very hard and crunchy when properly frozen. to ensure no teeth are harmed, be mindful of your piece size when chopping. your goal is pea sized or smaller.
  4. i'm not a die hard coconut fan, but if you are this recipe may be really nice with a quarter cup or so of minced and toasted shredded coconut for additional texture and flavor complexity.

i hope some of you try this out and let me know how it goes! it's been a huge hit for our friends and family.


Samoas Coconut Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

Estimated Nutrition Facts


  • blender or immersion blender
  • ice cream machine (i used the 1.5 qt cuisinart)


  • 403ml (1 can) coconut milk, unsweetened
  • 403ml (refilled coco can) lactaid milk, 2%
  • 320g (1 can) sweetened condensed coconut milk
  • 8 fresh samoas cookies, fine chopped to the size of a pea
  • 1 tablespoon honey, to taste
  • ground vanilla bean flakes, to taste


  1. refrigerate coconut milk and sweetened condensed coconut milk for 12-24 hours.
  2. in a blender or 2+ quart container, blend coconut milk, lactaid, and sweetened condensed coconut milk until smooth and chunk free.
  3. taste product. add honey and vanilla bean as needed.
  4. add half of the base mixture to your ice cream machine and freeze per manufacture's instructions, usually 10-15 minutes. while batch #1 freezes, put the unused base mixture in the freezer to help it remain tempered.
  5. remove batch #1 from the machine bowl. mix in samoas and put it in the freezer.
  6. add batch #2 unused base mixture into the ice cream machine bowl. run your ice cream maker per manufacture's instructions.
  7. once complete, add batches together and combine thoroughly. take a final taste, with the knowledge that the flavor will evolve once it's fully frozen.
    1. If you'd like to serve the ice cream in individual containers (think ice cream truck), now's the time to divide the mixture. move quickly and pipe or scoop the mixture into cups that are lined up on a baking sheet. put a lid on the cups and freeze them as instructed below.
  8. freeze mixture for 8-24 hours. The longer the better.
  9. enjoy!