The issue is that different places ban different books. To Kill A Mockingbird is considered a banned book but I read it as a part of English class in highschool.
Good point. “Banned” here is really shorthand for “queer and non-white and non-west-centric and non-abled and non-capitalist perspectives”. I’m feeling eaten alive emotionally by the censorship of the american christian right and looking for a constructive way to counter those feelings.
So.... Is this a correct, more descriptive name for what you mean? " minority POV stories ". Yeah I understand, unfortunately Louisiana decided that those bans were good. Which is insane considering the number of unique groups living in south Louisiana.
Oh no it's the right place! I know some online, I wouldn't mind turning this into a more place to talk about reading specific banned books and posting a monthly banned book for discussion if there's any interest in that kinda thing.