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FPGA Gaming donuts

MiSTer: Latest version of the MiSTer Extensions suite (by wizzomafizzo and co.) brings a NFC tag management frontend. GitHub - wizzomafizzo/mrext: Collection of extensions and utilities for the MiSTer system.

Collection of extensions and utilities for the MiSTer system. - GitHub - wizzomafizzo/mrext: Collection of extensions and utilities for the MiSTer system.

GitHub - wizzomafizzo/mrext: Collection of extensions and utilities for the MiSTer system.

"Very happy to announce a new frontend for the #MiSTerFPGA NFC script by Ziggurat (sigboe)! Browse and write games to NFC tags from your MiSTer, craft custom commands, manage the mappings. Now included as "nfcui" in the Scripts menu, available now through downloader and update_all" - @wizzomafizzo on your favorite billionaire-owned everything platform,