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Today in History - Oct 8 - The Days of Rage Chicago's Forgotten 'Days of Rage'

50 years ago, a radical chapter of Students for a Democratic Society tried to "bring the war home" in protest of America's continuing involvement in Vietnam by staging militant demonstrations in Chicago that they called the Days of Rage.

Chicago's Forgotten 'Days of Rage'

October 8 is the anniversary of The Days of Rage in 1969. During this event, about 800 youths banded together to attempt to force a stop to the Vietnam War via direct action. The illegal war was becoming increasingly unpopular as bodybags and the truth started to return from Vietnam.

Incensed that 2000 people were dying every day, and the US regime was not willing to listen to peaceful protests, they arranged a rally in Chicago, ready to fight the police. A few members of the members of The Chicago 8 also showed up to offer support.

The rally failed to attract the attention that they had hoped. About 800 people showed up on the first day. They rioted, and the militarized police tear gassed, shot at, and beat them. The uprising fizzled over the next two days. One protestor was left dead, and dozens injured. The police suffered no serious injuries.

The authoritarian regime continued to ignore the will of its people for another 6 years. Millions more would die. Peaceful protests continued to have little effect.