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Indies of the Day (10/4 and 10/5)

Post what indie products you are using today

  • What is indie makeup? Like perfume and eye shadow? Where do you find these?

    • Hello! Indie makeup is basically anything owned independently, it stands for “independent” and is used to described companies that produce products independently of outside control or mainstream/commercial companies. It's anything from makeup, perfume oils/EDP, bath and body products, nail polish, jewelry and home goods. I've found products organically through recommendations mostly! There are so many indie beauty companies. I can happily make some recommendations to check out as a jumping off point. When looking around just make sure to do some research before purchasing. With small business there is a bit more risk, and some companies operate with less than savory business practices. I always look into reviews or other customers experiences before purchasing from a new company.

  • Today is SugarMilk Co Strawberry Milk (Sweet strawberries blended with whipped cream and milk). This is one of my favorites and eerily accurate. Smells just like Nesquik Strawberry Milk powder.

  • 10/5- Today is back down in the 60's and rainy, so more fall perfumes! I'm wearing BPAL Every day is Halloween (Skin-warmed sandalwood and toasted pumpkin settle into a gentle blend suitable for all 365 days of Halloween). This is one of my favorites. It's soft creamy pumpkin with a hint of spice, with a lovely clean sandalwood finish.