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How long can a landlord leave you without functioning A/C?

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The original was posted on /r/Boise by /u/iloverocks420 on 2023-06-26 03:51:31+00:00.

The air conditioning in my apartment broke 2 1/2 weeks ago. I filed a maintenance request the day it happened and marked it as high priority but haven’t heard anything back.

I realize it’s still June and we’ve had some cooler weather lately so it’s not been a big deal but I’m starting to get a little worried with the temperatures forecast to reach 100 later this week. I try to cool down the apartment at night but I live on the third floor and there’s only so much you can do with fans and stuff.

In my lease, it says the owner will act with “customary diligence” in regards to fixing broken A/C equipment. Doesn’t list a timeline for repairs but says that air conditioning problems are not emergencies.