This week (at the latest at the beginning of next week), there will be a several-hour technical break. A banner with detailed information about this will appear 24 hours before the planned work.
Ernest has previously said that this will be an upgrade to address several issues, such as those related to federation, spam and lack of moderation tools.
I’m excited about the upcoming update that will roll out the API for Is there any updated information that can be shared about the timing of the roll-out?
It seems there's been some unexpected irl issues that have prevented ernest from properly working on the update.
However, I'm almost ready to continue on this journey, so you can expect that in the near future, there will be a banner with information and the update date of the instance and release. After that, we will work on avoiding such longer development downtimes in case of my absence.
If not, I recommend bringing it up there. If you only bring it up here, you rely on ernest or another contributor writing it down and remembering it, which probably isn't too reliable. Better to put it on the issue tracker.
This post has no comments visible for me (though it should have 9 as of now). I do not see it in the kbinMeta at all. I also sometimes get 500 errors in kbinMeta, particularly when sorting by new. I only found this post by clicking on Ernest's name to see activity. Any ideas (though I'm not sure if I will see any responses, heh). Not seeing anything but 200s in the network tab of inspector.