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Hearts of Iron 4, Vic 2, Imperator Rome, EU4, ETC Al-Andalusian

Victoria 3 v1.1 patch notes personal highlights

  • Replaced Legitimacy Penalty from Government Size with a Legitimacy Penalty from Ideological incoherence

Cool, I assume that throwing every single party into government for maximized legitimacy is a thing of the past.

  • Buildings will now only raise wages if they are either competing for wages or are below their minimum wage target; the target is based on employees' Expected Standard of Living to prevent too much active radicalization
  • Building wage targets are lowered in unincorporated states (e.g. colonies) and for discriminated pops

Very interesting, stuff like this makes me think that at least some of the developers are class conscious.

  • Rebalanced potential Oil and Rubber deposits around the world

Nice, maybe this can at least relief not being able to produce these resources and not being able to import since the AI barely builds stuff.

  • Revolutions will now always lose some amount of war support, even when they're out of troops, so they cannot go on forever

No more permanent revolutions? Troski in shambles.

  • AI is now more willing to settle wars that are going nowhere with a white peace

Great! I actually had a problem with these kinds of wars.

  • The Ripper can no longer be a child or toddler

These are my personal highlights, you can read the full patch notes here.