I could swear I knew the answer in grade 5 and no longer remember but like at what point is it one step to the right and no wind and suddenly wind a step further. Like rain starts from the clouds (and I assume thunder too) but what about wind.
There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning. Born below the ever cloud-capped peaks that gave the mountains their name, the wind blew east, out across the Sand Hills, once the shore of a great ocean, before the Breaking of the World.
I thought season 1 was okay. Weird Perrin had a wife.. don't know how that will play out later. Did they use matches at the beginning? I guess that plot is gone but it was minor enough I guess. Additional romance stuff was typical to gain a broader audience I suppose. Overall I was relatively happy. Much better than Sword of Truth's show adaptation.
Didn't know season 2 had started, is it further from the books?