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COBOL Market Shown to be Three Times Larger than Previously Estimated in New Independent Survey COBOL Market Shown to be Three Times Larger than Previously Estimated in New Independent Survey | Micro Focus

COBOL Market Shown to be Three Times Larger than Previously Estimated in New Independent Survey

COBOL Market Shown to be Three Times Larger than Previously Estimated in New Independent Survey | Micro Focus

A common statistic I see quoted about COBOL is that there are "more than 200 billion lines of COBOL in existence with an extimated 5 billion of new code [written] annually". This statistic comes from a 1997 study by the Gartner Group. Archive Link Here

A more recent study by Vanson Bourne (commissioned by Micro Focus) in Feburary 2022 estimated that there are actually around 775-850 billion lines of COBOL in daily use. Archive Link Here