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The science of water, fish, poop and plants! Dude_man_the_third

The current state of my system

This is an album of the current state of my system.
Iv got 2 icbs setup with 1 in ground as the sump and 1 above as the tank. Only 1 grow bed for now as its being cycled without fish until they are out of quarantine. The grow bed is an old metal bed frame with icb top that iv got between the 2 tanks with some wood legs iv added for extra support. Im using a mix between red lava rock and pea gravel. Iv also got a couple coco coir\straw filters setup to help with ph and bacteria. The aquarium iv got setup is a 75 gallon tank and a 50 gallon barrel with a water bridge between them and its got 2 sizes of brown bullhead catfish in it. The 2 large ones in the 75 gallon and 11 smaller ones in the barrel. They are wild caught so iv been doing a parasite treatment course on them before adding them to my main tank. They have started eatting pellets and all seem to have recovered from any wounds gotten when being caught. Im really hoping I can get the 2 big ones to mate assuming im right in the genders