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How many times have you owned the same film?

We all have our favourite films but which one have you owned the most over the years?

I'm not such a big fan now but growing up it was the original Star Wars trilogy.

I had (deep breath):

The first wide-screen VHS release.

The Imperial Star Destroyer Executor VHS metal box set. (The trilogy in wide-screen with lots of extras on more tapes).

The official Maylaisan VideoCD trilogy set.

The UK laserdisc of the special edition trilogy.

The first release on DVD and the Blu-ray Saga set.

I also used to have various bootleg sets of the original trilogy sourced from LaserDiscs and a German copy of the special editions in HD before Blu-rays were released.


That's the most varied. All my other films have followed the standard route of VHS, DVD, Blu-ray and 4K.

Anyone else?

EDIT: Forgot about my Laserdisc set!


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