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Daily Discussion Thread: Thu 14 Sep 2023

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  • Does anyone get medical certificates from the chemist? Not feeling great today so called in sick, boss wants a certificate which is fair. But my doctor doesn't have any appointments today, and a $20 cert from the chemist will cost me less than going to a new clinic (no where around me bulk bills anymore or has appointments today).... My boss can't reject a chemist one right?

    • That, or you can get one for $19 from Instant Scripts. Helped me heaps when doctors stopped bulk-billing. They also offer one-off scripts as well, I sometimes get my anti-sads from them as I often forget to go to the doc for a new script lol.

    • I got a stat dec from a chemist before and had to pay a nominal amount.

      Alot of them also don't offer the service of a stat dec too so you'll have to call around if you want to go down that route.

      Else take up the other options mentioned already.

    • When I need a day I just use qoctor and stay home, it's $25 and all online