Does anyone else think the Shadowheart showdown at the House of Grief ends oddly?
Talk to priestess: Does Shar know about this prism thing?
Kill everyone. (Ok this part was expected, but a little disappointing)
Documents: Prism operatives are Totally Expendable.
Next room: Shadowheart's parents are being personally tortured by Shar. This is right in front of the memory eraser, which seems like the temple's money maker.
Tonally, this seems so strange. I guess it is part of the Larian design philosophy that gods must be directly involved, but it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense here.
My interpretation was that Shar had nothing to do with it, it was Mother Superior making a power play. If you have Shadowheart kill the Nightsong, Shar empowers her to “cleanse” the church of the unfaithful (meaning Mother Superior and her acolytes).