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Ladybird: A new cross-platform browser project Ladybird: A new cross-platform browser project

This post describes the Ladybird browser, based on the LibWeb and LibJS engines from SerenityOS.

I found that the SerenityOS project also has a web browser with a completely new set of engines. It looks reasonably capable too.

Both LibWeb and LibJS are novel engines. I have a personal history with the Qt and WebKit projects, so there’s some inspiration from them throughout, but all the code is new. Not to mention, hundreds of people have worked on the codebase since I started it, all adding their own personal influences, so it’s definitely its own thing.

Edit: Here's a recent interview with the creator Andreas Kling talking to Eric Meyer and Brian Kardell about the browser

Edit 2: Here’s their August 2023 update video of the browser

Edit 3: Looks like the project was recently sponsored $100k USD from Shopify

It’s quite impressive!

Note: I don't know anything about the politics of the SerenityOS project or the people behind it.

  • SerenityOS and Ladybird are extremely impressive. Andreas comes across as very likeable and the community he's built seems cool.

    There's a pervasive idea in the programmer community that it's impossible to make a modern web browser unless you're a top 10 tech corporation. I love that they're challenging that and showing that all it takes is a handful of volunteers with good programming chops and a bunch of elbow grease.

    A worrying number of people in engineering don't seem to think software is worthwhile unless you can expect to compete for majority market share with the incumbents. If "hacker" is to be taken as a title of honour, I think it belongs to the ones who make things without expecting to take over the world.

    And the project has seemingly helped Andreas stay sober, which is pretty heartwarming.

    • I enjoyed listening to that interview. He seems humble and the project grew from the right place of necessity and it's good that it's keeping him sober. I like how he said that building the OS is easy compared to building a web browser engine.

    • There’s a pervasive idea in the programmer community that it’s impossible to make a modern web browser unless you’re a top 10 tech corporation.

      A worrying number of people in engineering don’t seem to think software is worthwhile unless you can expect to compete for majority market share with the incumbents. If “hacker” is to be taken as a title of honour, I think it belongs to the ones who make things without expecting to take over the world.

      agreed, I wish hacker culture was more like this instead of the capitalism fan club it actually is

      there’s a weird parallel between large software projects like web browser engines being considered impossible to accomplish without a gigantic corporation’s backing and the long-standing (but utterly false) belief that it’s impossible to do semiconductor manufacturing without a gigantic, expensive factory. the motivation for pushing these claims seems fairly obvious — if folks think these core pieces of tech infrastructure can’t be replicated without corporate control, they just won’t try.

  • I made a vid of it loading

    • that’s surprisingly close to perfect already, at least to my eye! and the bug with CSS not wanting to load initially is something I’ve seen safari and Firefox do too

      by the way, how was the experience of uploading this to peertube? I’ve been meaning to check them out, and I’m really surprised at how quick and smooth watching that video was on my phone

      • It was easy but I only have a 5mb daily upload quota with - not sure if that can be increased somehow. Otherwise it uploaded and transcoded all within a couple of minutes

  • Dang, I remember seeing this many years ago when it was still at like 1998-browser levels of functionality, really cool to see how much progress they've made! It'd be awesome to have more non-commercial browser engines out there.

    I really love the serenity os project as well honestly, glad it's not just me who likes that old style of UI (though I'm sad they seem to have dropped the classic Mac style universal menubar...)