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Weekly Update (6/2022): Plasma Mobile Gear 22.02, postmarketOS v21.12 SP2 and a lot of FOSDEM! Weekly Update (6/2022): Plasma Mobile Gear 22.02, postmarketOS v21.12 SP2 and a lot of FOSDEM!

Plasma Mobile Gear 22.02, Maui 2.1.1., SailfishOS make progress on the PinePhone Pro, booting the Librem 5 from microSD, help UBports to test OTA 22, Signal Desktop as an unofficial Flatpak for ARM64 and a lot of FOSDEM 2022 videos!

Weekly Update (6/2022): Plasma Mobile Gear 22.02, postmarketOS v21.12 SP2 and a lot of FOSDEM!

With all these great FOSDEM talks and more great news I felt it was time to share this once again. I do these updates weekly, and you can subscribe by ATOM feed easily.

Feedback welcome!