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X4 Foundations Tsubodai

Advanced automining map coverage

I'm planning a new game, and thinking about setting up advanced auto miners in civilian fleets (the mimicry mod one) and want to have full coverage of the map.

Using fleets should allow me to use the player restock subordinates mod so if any ships die, they get replaced without too much micromanagement. Going to use alligators, one set of ore miners and another for gas, probably 5 ships per fleet.

It will be a late stage plan, so I should be on good terms with all races, but I'm not sure about where to set the homebase of each group. I want good (full) coverage of the whole map, as well as plenty of trades with all races.

Plan for homebase sectors is argon prime, Jupiter, family zhin,18 billion, cardinals redress, pious mists IV, two grand, tharkas ravine xxiv and gain prophecy. Each will have a 5 jump range. There will be overlap using these

Has anyone tried anything similar? Any advice on better homebase sectors to use instead?