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Inflation: Class conflict deferred Inflation: Class conflict deferred

“It is entirely wrong, therefore, to do as the economists do, namely, as soon as the contradictions in the monetary system emerge into view, to focus only on the end results without the process which mediates them” (The Grundrisse, Money). Many young people in the U.S.

Inflation: Class conflict deferred

From the end of the article:

"Inflation is not our problem. It’s a problem for the banks, capitalists, and wealthy, but not for those of us who can hardly imagine ever having something like a retirement account. Capitalism was already coming up on another massive crisis before the Covid-19 pandemic. We could already see it in the disconnect between increasing prices and declining wages. We could see it developing alongside the increased effects of global warming. Capital wants to push us back into low-wage work to realize its profits. Capital’s representatives both in business and government will try all sorts of tricks to slash the meager safety net tossed out by the state in an attempt to quell last year’s unrest. There is a preemptive counterrevolution brewing from the right, even if it comes laced with concern about monetary policies most workers have never heard about, much less understand.

Marx began his Grundrisse by discussing money — not the commodity — perhaps because he himself was poor and understood too well its nature as “the means of life for the individual” under capitalism. It’s important to demystify what money is and what it means in order for us to push harder for what we really need: housing, healthcare, education, and all those other things money is supposed to buy for us as individuals, but that we’ll never have enough as a subjugated working class to obtain."