Although Chrome needs to be ditched, few of the features of it are yet to be implemented into other browsers such as copying images to clipboard and dragging & dropping text from one app to another.
Idk why other browsers are not keeping up or idk if these are Chrome exclusive features.
Do you use Twitch? I'm interested in Firefox but twitch for me is pretty problematic, it seems to have a lot of issues with remaining connected to twitch chat.
Oh also twitch clips and twitch vods are both extremely broken in Firefox and have been that way for years 😓
Another big missing Firefox feature is the ability to just right click a page and translate. I use this all the time in chrome.
Also I really dislike how Firefox has this weird keyboard shortcut that I don't think can be disabled: it's been a while since Ive looked around for this issue and it seems some people have a workaround so I should try that. But this bug is incredibly frustrating for me whenever I use Firefox.