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Fedia Discussions jerry

Quick update

While I’m skeptical there are many people still using, I have been continue to try to fix the error 500 problems. These errors are caused by kbin thinking it stored database records with pointers to images (like the avatar image, images attached to posts and the like) but not actually finishing. So when certain records are pulled up (magazines or posts or users) where there is a missing image record, an error 500 exists. I’ve continued to find more instances of this and frankly I don’t know what is causing the problem. As a mitigation, I have been running cron jobs every 15 minutes to correct these broken links. This morning, I believe I chased down the cause of the last remaining disconnect and have that being fixed as well.

I suspect there are still other problems, like replies appearing twice. I will try to figure out what is going on with those as I can.


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  • I feel like I've been saying this for a while now but I'm hopeful full release will happen soon and that will hopefully make it easier to chase down bugs, at least different sites might be versioned so we get an idea of when problems manifest.

    Just as an FYI there's a pretty bad bug right now that makes users unable to see text and image posts to if they have domains blocked. It seems to only be affecting so I can't say for sure if it's in the develop branch or something specific to the setup ernest has. I've been basing my guesses off things like localization versions and, based on that, is actually behind in commits compared to other kbins, so that makes me wonder if it's not something in the develop branch, but I could be mistaken, just a heads-up something to watch out for before updating in case of risks (at least there's a way to mitigate it, but as far as I can see it isn't happening on

    • Regarding image thumbnails, it is quite a mess :( There must be some bugs happening somewhere with the pipeline for caching, and they started being mixed up on as well which is worrying

      For instance, look at this user[email protected] almost all of their thumbnails are wrong. Really you can browse[email protected] and just look for non-cat pictures. I've seen all kinds like nsfw, git repos, news thumbnails, but here are some examples [1] [2] [3].

      I posted a theory here[email protected]/t/221067/-/comment/1196287 when I noticed that: it seems to happen a lot on instances that go down often or don't respond quickly, so my guess was it's having trouble getting a response, and then it just fails and, potentially, uses the next thumbnail value it gets. That's based off of the thumbnails for nearby entries being similar, as I posted in that comment the one that was wrong was using the same image as a post 31 seconds after it was made

      As I posted here I notice it's easier to browse with show thumbnails turned off, as that stops the 500s when the image thumbnail has issues. Sadly it still happens on some pages and I ~think that's because avatars for users, which are also cached, are shown on that page, like the notifications page, and there is no way to disable displaying user avatars on those pages