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Scala Toolkit early release

Could be very helpful at demonstrating how scala is a superpower you don’t have to spend years of ninja training to begin to access.

  • Ok wow I really like this, I hope it drives consensus on how to get started with Scala. Going to try it out next weekend if I can.

  • I'm sure I missed it, but is there any backwards-compatibility offered by scala-cli and the scala-toolkit?

    If everyone ends-up using it via scala-cli --toolkit latest, I wonder what would happen if one day one library gets replaced by another or removed. Are we going to have a message like "error: has been superseded by", or will it just result in an import error and a deceived user?

    • From the example it looks like your code imports the lib by its name, the toolkit doesn’t hide or rename the underlying lib, so if one is removed for some reason it will fail on that dependency and be clear that you have to get that one back.