Finally got around to playing Tale of Two Wastelands
Finally got around to playing Tale of Two Wastelands
I haven’t played fallout 3 in a long time. New Vegas I’ve played over quite a few times. This time I’m doing tale of two wastelands.
Playing fallout 3 in new Vegas game feels much better then native fallout 3. Using the suggested mod kits keep it vanilla but modernize some textures and interface items. I haven’t finished 3 / gone to Vegas yet but I’m really enjoying my play through so far.
More info can be found on their website!
and for the initial modding kit for the additional modset
and for his texture guide.
also credit to the VNV team (Viva New Vegas) as I used some of their information as well (like LOD generation)
Fun note, I am also playing just fine on Linux! (using steamtinkerlaunch)
Major props to all the people involved in TTW and the modding community and steamtinkerlaunch for linux, for doing such a great job for the community!!!