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Yeah! you just gave me an idea :-)

... for a background picture of some place i'm building ...

  • Holy crap. There’s actually people here. I didn’t know if anyone would actually join this community let alone post

    What’s the idea?

    • A banner picture and first story for a place that i have in construction :-)
      At first i thought about posting here about that single spoon, but it's the style of making it which fits perfectly the intended theme of the neurodivergent place.

      I didn't do much woodworking in the past couple of years, though.

      • No time better to pick it back up then the present. Glad you liked the spoon. It’s one of my more recent pieces and a little more polished than previous iterations.

        I will admit, I did take inspiration from someone else’s posts. I’m not artistic enough to make things from scratch so I usually look at what other people make, try and imitate, and maybe add some small personal flair if I can.