Would a raspberry pi zero manage to host a Lemmy instance?
Title, I want to host a Lemmy instance and to save money I was hoping to use a pizero that I already have. I would consider a vps, but I worry about bandwidth
Running one on a 6$/month droplet. The TLDR is you'll definitely need a swapfile for spikes, but for a single user it'll probably work, though be a little slow to load communities for the first time. Mine is subbed to a huge amount of communities and so far the disk usage is nothing serious
No, the pi zero is not going to be capable of running a Lemmy instance. I wouldn't recommend running it on a Pi at all unless you plan to store files on an SSD. I currently run my very tiny instance with just two users on a vpc with two CPU cores and 4gb of RAM but I still occasionally have performance issues.