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Replacing (most?) Obsidian note tags with internal links and Maps Of Content |

Replacing (most?) Obsidian note tags with internal links and Maps Of Content |

"(...) In conclusion, for now, I will run both types of metadata side-by-side: hashtags as well as internal links. And I’ll create group views, ie. lists, using Maps Of Content and Dataview. (...)"

@[email protected]
@[email protected]

#Zettelkasten #Obsidian #ObsidianMD #MapsOfContent #MOCs #tagging #Dataview #KnowledgeManagement #productivity

  • @josschuurmans @obsidianmd @obsidian @nickmilo I’ve used both links and tags, but when the system began to feel ragged (and when it started introducing delays — “Will I link or tag this?”), I launched the Great Tag Apocalypse and converted ALL tags to links.

    In practice, though, I’ve found that for status (#ToRead or #Draft) and certain markers (#Idea and #Insight), tags just “feel” better to me. I realize this makes no objective sense.

    So: some tags are back.