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The Grand Tour '23, Round 1 is live! New Element - Topic - The Grand Tour '23 - Round 1 Voting

The Grand Tour '23 - Round 1 Voting - posted in Grand Tour 23: .gt23-batch { display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; align-items: center; justify-content: center; text-decoration: none; color: inherit; gap: 0 var(--horizont...

What is a Grand Tour?

A Grand Tour originally refers to an extended journey through continental Europe, for educational purposes. These journeys were undertaken by wealthy young men as a rite of passage, who visited many historical and cultural sites along the way, seeking to expand their knowledge and appreciation of the classical arts.

Though there is no more need for the aristocracy to elevate themselves above the common people, the desire and effort to broaden one's horizons remains a noble purpose.

Grand Tour is a relatively new contest format over at NE, the parks are incredible, I strongly encourage everyone to at least give them a look, and if you have or are willing to make an NE account, please vote!