When purchasing Monero via Cash By Mail using an online shipping label service to print the label, what do you put in the From entry screen if you want to remain anonymous?
I got one good answer in r/localmonero, but I thought I'd seek other opinions here.
I don't want to use my own address. If I put some random fake "From" address and there's a problem with the seller receiving the package, will USPS try to return it to that address and then I lose the cash? Just wondering what the rest of you guys are doing to remain anonymous when using cash by mail to buy monero.
3 anonymous shipping label services are listed below:
Monerosupplies packages get sent out by a fake name from the address of a random post office. Should a valuable package get sent back to that post office, I might try and get them to hand it out to me with the receipt for the lable but so far the only things that got lost were a bunch of stickers.