the original ricers were Japanese cars (early 80s), then from there rice came to mean cars with Race Inspired CosmeticEnhancements (90s) + from there we get rice'd out desktops (which is new to me but whatever).
I am not as sure a rice desktop png is racist but if you feel like the term is opressing you or holding you back, could you consider opportunities to reclaim what is a good word (who doesn't like rice?) and use it for positive cultural elements (modded desktops)? I don't want to cede a good word to uninformed peoples from 40 yrs ago...history is too short to let them win!
evidence points to "Race Inspired Cosmetic Enhancements" being a "backronym", an abbreviation that was invented after the word was already in usage – have you ever heard anyone calling an american or european car a "rice"?
anyway, happily the c/unixporn moderator didn't agree that it's possible for people not targeted by a racist term to reclaim it for themselves, and that it's not the responsibility of folks pointing out a word's bigoted history to find an alternative, and racist terminology is now banned 😌
step 3: ignore the results relating to soap, cooking, or the adorable-but-wrong backronym "Race Inspired Car Enhancements"
step 4: discover that "ricing" was a) originally used as an insult (shitty cars with lots of mods) and b) referencing people from east Asia cos, yknow, japanchinesekorean people like rice
step 5: stop using the word in the context of "mods"