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Enchantment "deny list" for Enchanting Table using Chiseled Bookshelves with Enchanted Books

This idea is simple, if I put an Enchanted Book with Bane of Arthropods into a Chiseled Bookshelf near an Enchanting Table, then the Enchanting Table will not generate enchantments which include Bane of Arthropods.

Something similar to this is already on the official site: Chiseled bookshelves negate enchantments from enchantment tables .

  • I see two issues with this suggestion:

    First, it's unintuitive. Even if a player knew that chiseled bookshelves affected enchanting, they'd expect the opposite of this suggestion — that putting an enchanted book in a bookshelf would increase the chance of getting that enchantment.

    Second, I think this would make it too easy to get the enchantments you want. For example, here's a way to get an enchanted book for every enchantment.

    1. Enchant a book.
    2. Put the book in the chiseled bookshelf.
    3. Repeat. Since previously generated enchantments are in a chiseled bookshelf, every book you get will have new enchantments.

    Eventually, you'd have every enchantment in book form with not that much XP cost, which would allow you to get any enchanted book you want (except Frost Walker & Mending) by controlling what's in the bookshelves.

    I agree that enchanting is too RNG-heavy, but I don't think this is a good way to solve that issue.