To be fair, the skincolour technically does two jobs; while darker skin protects you better from sunburn, the lighter skin also absorbs vitamin D from the light (and darker skin also protects ou from getting too much of that D). That is why the skincolour gets lighter, the more north you go, as the sun does not provide as much said vitamin.
Why am I mentioning this, well, the traditional bane of nordic hemisphere people is depression due to the lack of said vitamin D, during the time the sun just don't come up, so if anyone with a darker skintone migrates here: remenber to supplement that extra D, because even the pale snowpeople have issues getting enough naturally.
Please wear sunscreen. While black people are less likely to get skin cancer they are much more likely to die from it if they do get it. Love, your ginger cousin.
I had a very awkward conversation a while ago, when I (milk with a drop of coffee) had to tell the mother of one of my pupils ( coffee with a drop of milk) that he should use sunscreen, because he could get sunburn too.
She was nice about it, but I felt kinda weird.
But melanin is a shield for it, and the more melanin the darker the skin. As black people usually have a very dark skin, they have a lot of melanin and thus are way more protected against the sun than the average 60 yo fat guy that's sunburnt red