A federal judge grilled one of President Trump's Justice Department lawyers on Monday about whether the White House blatantly ignored a court order he issued blocking deportations of migrants.
A federal judge criticized a Trump administration Justice Department lawyer who claimed they didn't have to follow the judge's oral order blocking deportations to El Salvador because it wasn't in writing.
Judge Boasberg questioned why the administration ignored his directive to return immigrants to the US. The DOJ lawyer repeatedly refused to provide information about the deportations, citing "national security concerns."
Frustrated, Boasberg ordered sworn declarations explaining what happened, quipping that he would issue a written order "since apparently my verbal orders don't seem to carry much weight."
so arrest everyone in the department that did it. EVERYONE. secretary of [thing], and everyone who might have so much as seen the command moving down the chain.
that's what a law that wasn't just an excuse to punish poor people would do.
or just fucking arrest him anyway, fuck it, if laws don't mean things, laws don't mean things. that includes his special protection.
but again, that would require the point of the law to be something other than punishing the poor.
I wonder how long I'll survive as an Asian American...
Asian Americans are the smallest minority in the US, so that's not looking good. I'm wondering if the so called "Model Minority" sterotype would help (I mean like East Asians, specifically).
Philly btw. Hopefully Shapiro isn't fucking spineless like the rest of the dems (doubt), but like the federalism is really the only safeguard left.
Hmm. Do you live in a blue state? I hope so. You might be able to blend. Can you—is this the fucking 90s?—“butch up” for the gestapo long enough to slip away? I’m having flashbacks of the Midwest.
For me, I’m a man married to a man. I’m on a list. I’m somewhat nervous about that, but I’m white like milk an own a lot of polos and chinos, so I will have some warning before the shit hits me. Fingers crossed.
The more they let them act without any consequences for their actions shows us that the constitution means nothing nowadays. Throw him or the enablers in jail, but doing nothing means checks and balances are useless. I fear for the regular people. Power has gone to the fascists and oligarchs.
You guys are maybe being a little hasty... Many other members of the Trump administration can get forcibly hauled into court even if Trump has "immunity."
Both. I just think the "oh well we must immediately escalate to bloodshed" people are only serving to worsen the situation because it skips over all the other legitimate ways we have of fighting back, like protest and the courts. Ways that a bigger portion of the populace is willing to participate in (currently). And right now we need everyone who's reasonable resisting in any way they can.
I seriously hope you’re right. I’d rather not see a bunch of people die. But I haven’t seen anything at all to suggest the usual ways are gonna work, and by the time we realize that it will be too late (if it’s not already).
Give me hope, tell me something that is actually going to stop them and is likely to work.
No single thing is going to fix this. It's going to take a concerted effort of protests and economic boycotts and judges doing their job and elected officials doing their job and the fucking media doing their job and public sentiment souring further on Trump and people refusing to follow unlawful orders and yes maybe even a little direct action. Not all of it is going to work and not all of it has to work. My only point here is we can't just think there's a single silver bullet (pun intended) because that breeds inaction for all other forms of resistance. We each need to find a way to resist and do that instead of waiting for somebody who isn't coming to save the day.