The Social Contract and democratic survival
The Social Contract and democratic survival
The Social contract: Rosseau argues that authority (government) is only legitimate if it allows for individual freedom, this authority must be consented to by the people and thus a social contract is formed. Furthermore, LEGITAMITE laws are ONLY founded by the GENERAL WILL of the PEOPLE.
The Social Contract is broken if any government attempts to usurp the power of the people (as the general wills ability to found legitimate laws is denied). This means citizens no longer need to obey it and have a right to ABOLISH the GOVERNMENT, for overstepping its power.
As Trump now openly shows his dictator aspirations and with the recent order to gut pro-democratic media (Voice of America); targeting left-wing media (CNN, MSNBC); permanently breaching the American constitution; Corrupt Courts; and your elected officials not even listening to you at your town halls. This is not democracy and it is definitely not the social contract you agreed to. It is now time to think and talk about the work of the enlightenment and political philosophy. Get out there and talk about these ideas openly whether it be on platforms, with your family or with your fellow citizen.
Moreover If theoretically such things were to occur :
- I hope you'd be safe.
- You rebuild a better system, multiple parties, free health care, abolishment of plutocracy, partisan courts. (There is a reason Freedom House ranks the USA a flawed democracy).
Make sure you listen to your political, economic and social academics many of them dedicate their lives away on how better systems could be made. For example a bill of digital rights etc.
I genuinely believe the flame of American liberty is just getting started and it will show the world something new. Democracy is just an idea of the peoples will, there are many ways to do that. I hope the flame burns so bright it bring a second age of democracy and burns the blight of authoritarianism, greed and kleptocracy away. Remember a flame Is not just for burning it is also for forging! Forge something great and new that's how you beat. Keep the flame alit within you all, never let it die, and burn and forge with it.
(As a pol sci student its exciting seeing what you all can create).
Originally Posted By u/Tough-Cauliflower852
At 2025-03-15 06:50:46 PM
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