I think "vast" majority is an overstatement. I realize the vote skewed in his direction among the older generation, but a majority is not a vast majority.
Some societies let their seniors enjoy their twilight years, with a quiet and reserved respect. Even them marching off into the frozen wilderness alone has a certain respected dignity.
This feels like the equivalent of people storming into a retirement home, banging pots together and yelling "Back to work! Everyone up and out, get back to work!"
I’m surprised the percentage is less the older the bracket got. I’d think I’d go hog wild the older I’d get. Credit card for all! Max it out in a blaze of glory!
If you plan on leaving anything to anyone else after you die, that's a good way to screw that up. If you're completely alone with nobody claiming anything of yours, go for it.
Well the current administration plans to use the bird flu crisis to solve this problem. Older americans wont be in credit debt if there are no older americans!