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How a Connecticut DMV Employee Made Thousands by Selling Towed Cars How a Connecticut DMV Employee Made Thousands by Selling Towed Cars

For years, a towing company cut the lines at the DMV in exchange for deep discounts on towed cars, according to an internal DMV report, showing the agency’s oversight failures.

How a Connecticut DMV Employee Made Thousands by Selling Towed Cars

The Connecticut Mirror and ProPublica in January exposed how Connecticut’s laws favor towing companies at the expense of drivers. The state allows tow companies to seek the DMV’s permission to sell some vehicles after 15 days — one of the shortest such windows in the country. The system has resulted in a wide range of abuses with little oversight from the DMV.

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How a Connecticut DMV Employee Made Thousands by Selling Towed Cars

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How a Connecticut DMV Employee Made Thousands by Selling Towed Cars

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