Tesla sales plunge in Germany
Tesla sales plunge in Germany
I love this. I love being an european.
Time for Rheinmetall to release a cybertruck competitor
27 1 Reply33 0 Reply(the above is an AI image, by the way)
Had to check.
21 1 Reply
we don't need a competitor in the category "the car that looks offroad but is worse on offroad than a Fiat 500"
32 0 ReplyGiven their portfolio I fully trust them to come up with a decent offroad design 😄
7 0 ReplyLet alone in the category "car that's extra dangerous to people outside the car just to make it look uglier".
6 0 Replythe fiat panda 4x4 was the fucking bomb .Pitty they don't build them anymore
4 0 Reply
Why can't Tesla CEOs plunge? Off a cliff, out a window...
6 0 ReplyI hear the Titan submersible billionaires are alive but trapped in an underwater cave. Elon should go save him in his trapped-Thai-children submarine.
1 0 Replyout a window
Russian influence detected
3 0 Reply
It must be so embarrassing to drive one of those ugly plastic things around. Good riddance.
13 1 ReplyCompletely off topic, but why does "an European" sound wrong? Like I've always said "an American" but never "an United States citizen" and it just doesn't sound right.
7 0 ReplyEuropean is pronounced with a Y sound at the start of the word. Hence no "an"
13 0 ReplyIn short: it's not the letter, it's the first sound that dictates "a" vs "an".
a uniform
an underling
13 0 Reply
Because it is wrong. Same thing as with 'a uniform'.
8 1 Reply
Insert emperor meme here
7 0 Reply