The one thing that intrigues me is why nobody filled the actual left and far-left political vacuum in the US? The political axis is so skewed that people like AOC and Samders are considered far-left, even though in Europe they'd qualify as left-of-centre. There seems to be a huge empty space left of them, but I don't see anyone taking advantage of it and dominate a good third of the political spectrum.
Because the FBI was created with the explicit purpose of assassinating left wing politicians and activists in the US, and the CIA was founded for the same reason but abroad.
First past the post, basically. Especially in modern times where geography really shouldn't have as much weight as it does.
In most European countries a Green party gets somewhere between 5 and 20% of the vote, and at that stage they get representation in Parliament and possibly even get to participate in government. In the US they need to get 50% of the vote in a given area to get any type of office, no matter how minor (Mayor, school board, whatever).
So they can't really build a grassroots to grow politicians for a national stage, and voters know that voting for them is basically the same as staying home.
Also, they need to get rid of Jill Stein, that picture of her sitting at the table with Putin and Mike Flynn isn't going to go away and shows terrible judgement. You can be critical of US imperialism without hanging out with a different kind of imperialist.
Geography matters because people form identity groups within their geographic areas. People in rural areas have very different wants and needs than city folk. So it’s only natural for them to vote for different representatives.
No organization. No trust. I used the words "we" in one post then got accused of being a narcissist. If a stoner can't get stoned and speak for other stoners, how would we ever be anything other than stoners?