Are e-bikes allowed on public transportation in your area?
Some cities allow electric scooters and bikes on trains and subways, but some are strict about preventing this. What is it like in your city?
It seems like this is the ultimate combo to get around any big city these days. You get the best of both worlds - convenient last-mile mobility and traffic-free movement across larger distances.
Where I am (France) both ebikes and escooters are allowed on trains. Are they not normally allowed? Except in situations like a bus where an ordinary bike would also be an issue.
Minneapolis MN USA allows them on light rail, but the racks on the front of the bus are limited to 55lbs (so a 46 lb Soltera is OK if you can lift it into place)
I think my city has a bike rack for the bus, but honestly it seems like such a pain to mount and dismount it I wouldn't really ever consider using it. (I'm curious if anyone has had experience with it)