Yeah let's instead install a massive bloated shit project that the original developers left years ago and the maintainers don't know heads from tails of the codebase because it's too massive to maintain, with enough dependencies to make even a small child think he's independent by comparison.
All so that we can, uh, synchronize a markdown text file across 3 computers.
These projects exist so that we don't all have to re-invent the wheel every single time we need something simple. They have a purpose, even if they're not pushing the envelope. I've developed a bunch of software to do extremely simple things for myself because all the existing options are massive and bloated and do a million more things than I need.
I'm sure your projects look impressive on your resumé, though.
Yeah let’s instead install a massive bloated shit project that the original developers left years ago and the maintainers don’t know heads from tails of the code base because it’s too massive to maintain
So much this. I recently had OneDev recommended to me as a forgejo alternative. I was told that it was "very lightweight." Intrigued I tried it out. It fuckin' runs java and is resource heavy as fuck. Just sitting idle it consumes almost 13% of VPS RAM:
Not to be that guy, but 12% of 8G isn’t even close to ”heavy as fuck” for a CI/CD and collaboration suite that seems aimed at enterprise users.
You can also tweak how much memory you’d like the jvm to grab with ’-Xms100m’. Any defaults are most likely aimed at much larger deployments than yours.
From the looks of it, they also seem to bundle the vscode server and a bunch of other stuff. I’m actually kinda surprised they do it with only 1G of RAM.
You still have 63% RAM available in that screenshot, there are zero problems with Java using 13% RAM. It's the same as the tired old trope of "ChRoMe Is EaTiNg My MeMoRy". Unused memory is wasted memory if it can be used for caching instead, so unless you're running out of available memory, there is no problem.
Also, the JVM has a lot of options for configuring its various caches as well as when it allocates or releases memory. Maybe take a look at that first.
Edit: Apparently people don't want to hear this but don't have any actual arguments to reply with. Sorry to ruin your "JaVa BaD" party.
I only looked at dumpdrop and it seemed fine, to me. Compared to other similar projects which are 10 times as large and provide essentially the same functionality. The world of web-based file-uploading solutions is fucked.
First off, no, this is 100% not true. That's like saying a professional chef's chicken soup will be the same as a beginner following the same recipe. Just, no.
Second, I'm talking about the general idea and implementation. Example:
Which is easier?
Cloning and running a repo to install node deps, configuring dotenv variables, running node app, then opening a browser to input a domain name into a field to get a response back about domain ownership, OR...
Opening a terminal and running whois and getting a response back. Code to illustrate.
Which is easier?
Configuring and running a compose to start a docker container to visit a browser to use a text editor, OR...
Open a local text editor which every OS has available
The cheeky nature of the projects aren't lost on me, i just don't see a point beyond basic coding exercises for them to exist. They're getting social media hype and embracing, but anyone acting like this is some awesome new stuff is just delusional or flat wrong.
Reminds me of a "minimalist text editor" that my coworker showed me circa 2015. It was an Electron app that consumed more RAM to display a empty file than Firefox with 5 active tabs.