On the Margins: Comics, Gender, Identity & Subversion – comic conference announced
On the Margins: Comics, Gender, Identity & Subversion – comic conference announced
Comic creators and academics combine forces for two-day event

On the Margins: Comics, Gender, Identity & Subversion is an upcoming two-day conference about comics at Ulster University in Northern Ireland in May, “Exploring Why Comics Matter”. BEANO artist Nigel Parkinson is among the speakers, addressing the success of DC Thomson’s surviving humour weekly.
Other comic creators taking part include artist and writer John Farrelly, writer Mark McCann, and Andrew Pope, editor of Local Colour Comics,
This two-day event will focus on exploring the intersections of comics, gender, identity, and subversion, bringing together academics, artists, writers, and industry professionals to discuss how comics shape and reflect cultural narratives.
On the Margins: Comics, Gender, Identity & Subversion Friday 2nd – Saturday 3rd May 2025, Ulster University Cromore Road Coleraine BT52 1SA | Full Programme Here | Free, but Booking Requested via EventBrite