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When Sibelga forces you to solve a reCAPTCHAv2 before supplying meter readings, they impose involuntary uncompensated servitude. Now we have a study proving the figures. Dazed & Confused: A Large-Scale Real-World User Study of reCAPTCHAv2

Since about 2003, captchas have been widely used as a barrier against bots, while simultaneously annoying great multitudes of users worldwide. As their use grew, techniques to defeat or bypass captchas kept improving, while captchas themselves evolved in terms of sophistication and diversity, becomi...

Dazed & Confused: A Large-Scale Real-World User Study of reCAPTCHAv2

“In terms of cost, we estimate that – during over 13 years of its deployment – 819 million hours of human time has been spent on reCAPTCHA, which corresponds to at least $6.1 billion USD in wages. Traffic resulting from reCAPTCHA consumed 134 Petabytes of bandwidth, which translates into about 7.5 million kWhs of energy, corresponding to 7.5 million pounds of CO₂. In addition, Google has potentially profited $888 billion USD from cookies and $8.75-32.3 billion USD per each sale of their total labeled data set.”

Where else are people forced to solve a reCAPTCHA in the course of public administration or essential public transactions like utilities? We should make a list.

(edit) Those figures are for worldwide use of reCAPTCHA, not just Sibelga. I’m just calling out Sibelga for adding to the problem. Hope my thread title isn’t misleading.