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UpstateNY ADKSilence

Avian Flu Likely on Otisco Lake

Dozens of sick and/or dying geese out on the lake certainly brings the topic of "Bird Flu" a little closer to home. Spring is around the corner, and for many of us that means flocks of geese flying overhead.

While the Canada Goose isn't exactly the friendliest of wild birds, I genuinely hope that we can prevent things from getting much worse.

As is, there have been a few cases of transmission of the virus to humans, with the majority of cases stemming from industrial agriculture such as poultry farms. That being said, there are at least a handful of cases that are not related to industrial agriculture, so the concern is real.

While it is only a rumor of a suggestion that I heard in passing, the idea of "Don't put out bird feed, reduce attractants for wild birds near humans" seems like a good precaution.