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listen up l*berals

there is no such thing as "trans" women only women

if you are a "trans" woman stop lying your just a woman no amount of cutting mens dicks will you make you more of a real woman than you already are

what is hrt

"trans" women take this thing called hrt to make themselves more of a woman thats stupid you already are a woman you cant be more woman than you already are

your mere existence offends me

everytime i look at a t*ans woman i almost want to cry please stop existing for my own convenience

this also applies to trans men too there is no such thing as that just say "men" libtard


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  • my friggin l*beral nephew always tries to tell me he cant be a man yet until he can get on testosterone and grow a beard he doesnt realize his manhood is on the inside i frigging hate liberals i mean i want him to be happy in his body and thats why i gave him some of my steroids but the steroids arent what makes him a man