[Biologie] Les rats sont-ils vraiment sales ? 🐀 avec la boite à curiosites
[Biologie] Les rats sont-ils vraiment sales ? 🐀 avec la boite à curiosites
[Biologie] Les rats sont-ils vraiment sales ? 🐀 avec la boite à curiosites
They divide opinions and have become a symbol of filth in the collective imagination...
And yet... Rats are incredible animals! 🐀
Despite their often unfair reputation, rats possess fascinating abilities and play an essential role in our ecosystem. Their intelligence, adaptability and lifestyle make them far more complex creatures than we might imagine.
So, are rats our friends or real pests? How do they live in such varied environments? What can they teach us about resilience and survival?
With Marie from the @laboiteacuriosites channel, we slipped into the tunnels of knowledge to explore all this surprising animal has to reveal 🤓
Ça devrait t'interesser @tournesol 😎